Infographic Illustrates Impressive Bakken Shale Potential
The Bakken could be producing as much as a million barrels per day by 2020, and extraction of this oil is benefiting the region and the country through the creation of thousands of jobs and the generation of substantial revenues from taxes and royalties. The infographic below illustrates the oil-producing potential of the Bakken, the robust activity in the region, and the economic benefits that flow from its development. _UGCenter

The Potential of the Bakken Region, to learn more about local production in The Bakken visit the Unconventional Oil and Gas Center, a Hart Energy publication.
Notice the explosive ramp-up in production over the past few years.
And the hits just keep coming! Besides the expanding production of shale oil in North Dakota, Texas, and Ohio, a new discovery in Oklahoma is likely to create a new batch of oil tycoons in the Sooner state. And in California, the Monterey Shale may eventually grow to be one of the biggest shale plays in the lower US.
Here is an incomplete index of US shale fields. Alaskan shale production is likely to grow quickly.
...Alaska’s vast shale oil formations... could be tapped in the near future, adding hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil to the pipeline and creating hundreds of jobs. _Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
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