The Future of Biofuels
Actually, synthetic biology represents the future of a lot of things that make human life interesting, enjoyable, and productive. But we will focus on fuels.
In addition to its potential applications to manufacturing vaccines, cell synthesis technology can and will be used by Dr. Venter’s company, Synthetic Genomics, to improve biofuel production from algae. From the Times:Algae-based biocrude in just a few years? If it is indeed commercially viable, that will be an impressive achievement. Venter tends to deliver what he promises, so we will want to keep an eye on progress.
Synthetic Genomics has a contract from Exxon to generate biofuels from algae. Exxon is prepared to spend up to $600 million if all its milestones are met. Dr. Venter said he would try to build “an entire algae genome so we can vary the 50 to 60 different parameters for algae growth to make superproductive organisms.”
...Synthetic Genomics’ partnership with Exxon began just a few months ago, and was characterized as “an aggressive program” by an Exxon executive. With the huge economic resources of Exxon behind it, the biofuel applications of the synthetic cell technology will likely receive all the support needed to produce commercially viable algae-based biocrude in just a few years. _HeatingOil
The more conservative timeline projects early competitive commercial-scale fuels from algae within 10 years, with a very significant impact on markets in 20 years. But if microbial fuels can provide marketable fuels in half that time, bring it on.
If the Obama Pelosi regime's energy starvation policy allows it, of course.
Labels: microbial energy, synthetic biology
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